- CALL US : 01202 877395

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Buying Numbers

If you are looking to buy, we can help you source the perfect registration number from our huge database of available numbers. In addition, we have access to literally millions of numbers, which include the DVLA new registrations, auction numbers and very rare high value Cherished Registration numbers.

We offer a flexible service with as much support as you want. You can choose to search for your own registration number online using our database or you can tell us what you are looking for and we will be happy to source it for you.

In the event that your choice of number is not available, go to our 'Mix & Match' section for the perfect solution to the problem.

Can't find the number you want? Find out how our Mix & Match service can help youPNA Auction Service

Miss/ Kiss release M155 and K155 registrations now available!
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Cherished Numbers Dealers Association Retail Motor Industry Federation M·I·R·A·D

Registered Company Number: 6798750
When instructed to do so our experienced staff will coordinate the entire transfer of your number plates with DVLA Swansea and provide superlative progress tracking for your convenience and peace of mind. We sell number plates owned by clients, government stock and our own stock on a 'first come, first served basis' all subject to availability, DOT transfer fee and terms and conditions, some numbers are subject to VAT.

Our systems record telephone conversations and the date and time of all communication. We shall debit your payment card if your offer is accepted and provide confirmation either way. Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, we must notify you that our service begins immediately upon payment being taken, subsequently no cooling off period or refunds are given.

Registered Office:
17 Glasshouse Studios,
Fryern Court Road, Fordingbridge
Hampshire SP6 1QX
DVLA is a registered trade mark of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
PNA is in no way affiliated to the DVLA or DVLA Personalised Registrations.
PNA is a recognised reseller of DVLA registrations.